Consultations: Monday – Friday, 09:00-18:00


Availability:  In stock

The release form: 10 foil bag 1.5 g each

PowerMin dietary supplement is based on crushed coral with added vitamins C, D and E. It has a pleasant taste and normalizes mineral balance.

PowerMin is an ideal invigorating and tonic remedy in:

  • •Cardiovascular diseases;

  • •Metabolic dysfunctions;

  • •Depressed immunity;

  • •Bone fractures, osteoporosis, and arthritis;

  • •GIT disorders;

  • •Strenuous physical activities.

PowerMin Key Benefits

The product is a tonic that promotes cardiac health and is recommended to relieve metabolic disorders.

This supplement improves immune response, contributes to normalization of mineral metabolism and has an antioxidant effect.

PowerMin Ingredients

The coral minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.) are the building blocks for bones and teeth, they regulate mineral metabolism and alkali balance, contribute to cardiac health and participate in the metabolism of nucleic acids, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates.

The vitamins C, E, and D ideally match the minerals of crushed coral and enhance their effects. They promote the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, boost muscle tone and have antioxidant effects.

Menthol gives this product a distinctive taste and improves vascular tone by dilating cardiac blood vessels.

PowerMin Usage

Take one pouch up to three times a day with a meal.


PowerMin is a natural, pleasant tasting product prepared from coral powder mixed with vitamins C, D, and E. The name of this product speaks for itself: PowerMin - "the power of minerals". Mine­ral salts are a necessary component of any per­son's healthy life. By regulating mineral balance within the body, they activate the function of many organs and restore alkaline pH levels preventing the development of diseases caused by cell oxi­dation.

Vitamins С, E, and D are those vitamins that are ideally suited to be used with minerals of coral powder to increase their effect on the body. Vi­tamins substantially improve the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus, mediate their transport to various organs, improve muscle activity and show antioxidant properties. It can, therefore, be said that PowerMin is a source of miracle power of coral doubled by vitamin energy.

A complex of inorganic salts (calcium, magne­sium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, etc.) PoweMin:

  • • Participates in building the skeleton and in dental mineralization;

  • • Controls mineral metabolism and alkaline ba­lance;

  • • Induces regeneration and cell division;

  • • Transmits nerve impulses, reduces the perme­ability of cellular membranes, and excitability ofi the nervous system;

  • • Stimulates the activity of the cardiac muscle;

  • • Participates in metabolism of nucleic acids, pro­teins, fats, and carbohydrates.

Vitamin С participates in many oxidation-reduction reactions and in collagen production; it normalizes hematopoietic process, vascular permeability, and exhibits anti-inflammatory activity.

Vitamin E reduces blood coagulation, prevents the buildup of clots in the blood vessels and oxidation of lipids and proteins, induces regeneration, and protects cells from damage by free radicals. Vitamin D controls phosphorus-calcium metabo­lism, increases calcium absorption from the di­gestive tract, and its accumulation in the bones; it is essential for cartilage maturation, stimulates protein synthesis, and ATP production in the muscle tissue.


Coral powder. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Iron, Maltitol, Dextrine, Trehalose, Apple acid, Flavors from tapioka and cocos, Menthol

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