ParaFight is a multipurpose antiparasitic supplement. This herbal product includes well-known antiparasitic herbs that effectively cleanse, support and optimize gastrointestinal tract functions.
ParaFight helps the body to fight:
- Dangerous parasitic worms (roundworms, scaridosis, enterobiasis, trichocephalosis, ankylostomiasis, and necatoriasis, etc.);
- Helps detoxification.
ParaFight Key Benefits
ParaFight supplement is effective against a variety of dangerous parasitic worms and suppresses pathogenic bacteria and yeast. It is highly effective as a preventive treatment for helminths and protozoa.
This supplement enhances detoxification and improves intestinal mobility to move actively.
The product has a healing effect on the gastrointestinal tract and overall health. It is a highly beneficial supplement when used alongside treatment of gastrointestinal tract problems.
ParaFight Ingredients
Black Walnut hull extract and leaves powder contain an active ingredient juglone that possesses anthelmintic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties.
The ingredients of essential oil of Tansy paralyze giardia, roundworms and pinworms present in various organs, and inhibit their reproduction.
Gentian root is well-known as an effective natural antiparasitic.
Thyme is a source of thymol which is particularly effective against a dangerous helminth whipworm.
Clove essential oil is highly active against the eggs and larvae of helminthes.
Black cumin or nigella, together with chamomile, marjoram, sage, and mint has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. They are effective against flatulence and minimize the process of fermentation in the intestinal tract.
Mucus producing effect of marshmallow and slippery elm support maximum concentration and extra-long retention of the product active ingredients on the intestinal mucous membrane (that’s where the parasites are located). This ensures a high efficiency of the product.
ParaFight Usage
Take one capsule a day with a meal.
ParaFight is a broad spectrum anti-parasitic product. The concept is based on well-known antihel-mintic herbs that effectively help optimise the function of the gastrointestinal tract and helps expel parasites.
Black Walnut Hulls and Black Walnut Leaves -are a source of tannins, organic acids, coumarins, glycosides, flavonoids, essential oils, vitamins C, B1 and F, minerals, and most importantly juglone. The amount found in the hulls is far greater than that found in the leaves and other parts of the plant. Juglone actively inhibits pathogenic bacteria and Candida fungus; improves bowel function, and softens stools. Flavonoids and tannins relax the smooth muscle tissues; reduce irritation and inflammation of the mucous membranes, and accelerates their healing.
Tansy - is a source of essential oil, whose main components include thujone, camphene, camphor, thujol, borneol, pinene, flavonoids, and phenol carbonic acid, etc. The components of tansy essential oil have a paralysing effect on giardia, roundworms, pinworms and other parasites in various organs, suppressing their reproduction and reducing their toxic effects on the body.
Gentian root - has proven to be an effective natural antihelmintic. The gentiopicrin found in the plant can kill one of the most dangerous parasites, Tohosara canis, in its early stages of development. This parasite damages the lungs, liver, eyes, often leading to the development of gastritis and severe allergies.
Red Thyme - is a source of thymol, which is especially effective against hookworm and other exotic worms such as the American hookworm and the whipworms, often found in the large intestines of pets.
Black cumin - boosts the immune system, thereby helping with a broad variety of medical conditions including parasitic infections.
Elm bark, Sage leaf, and Oregano leaf - supplement the antihelmintic ingredients of the product with anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and astringent properties. These plants contain tannins, catechins, and flavonoids, which help deal with bloating, heaviness in the stomach, while minimizing putrefaction and fermentation in the intestines.
ParaFight Ingredients
Black Walnut leaf, Slippery Elm bark extract. Chamomile flower extract, Gentian root extract, Clove fruit extract. Black Walnut hull extract, Tansy flower extract, Black Cumin seed, Althea root, Mint leaf extract, Red Thyme leaf extract. Sage leaf extract, Oregano leaf extract, other ingredients.
Important - Please read before purchase
Statements above or on product packaging have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.