Over 30 from Coral Club is an essential product for this particular age group. It is a known fact that after 30 our bodies produce less amino acids; in particular arginine. This triggers the process of aging.
Over 30 is a dietary supplement that compensates for this deficiency by supplying essential amino acids and vitamins, thus preventing premature aging, normalizing metabolism, and maintaining youthfulness and health.
Over 30 Key Benefits
The “Over 30” product is developed for metabolism optimization.
This supplement is a source of essential vitamins and amino acids.
It prevents the premature aging process and is beneficial for overall health.
This antioxidant protects you from negative environmental factors.
Over 30 Ingredients
Arginine is involved in the process of delivery and excretion of excess nitrogen and protein toxins from the body and helps maintain optimal nitrogen balance. It cleanses the liver and regulates kidney function.
Glutamine and lysine are the building blocks of protein biosynthesis. They improve lipid and carbohydrate metabolism of the human body.
Citrulline is an amino acid that although not one of the protein building blocks. It serves as the source of arginine. It boosts immunity and gives you energy.
Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutarate, and pyroglutamic acid accelerate protein renewal. They increase the secretion of insulin, growth hormones and free amino acids.
Alpha-lipoic acid has insulin-like properties and improves glucose metabolism in muscular tissue.
Taurine is involved in lipid metabolism. It is one of the components of bile acids that contribute to the emulsification of fat in the intestinal tract. Taurine helps absorb fat-soluble vitamins and supports healthy blood cholesterol levels.
Magnesium, silica and 5-HTP play an important role in cardiovascular health and the nervous system function. They support vascular health by preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques; regulate blood flow, and have an antidepressant and sedative effect.
Vitamins C, E and beta-carotene are powerful antioxidants that protect us from the harmful effects of environmental pollution. They are natural antioxidants that prevent premature aging.
Niacin and nicotinamide are involved in the metabolism of fats, proteins, amino acids, and in tissue respiration. They compensate for the lack of vitamin B3.
Vitamins B6, B1, B2 and B12, folic and pantothenic acids normalize all bodily functions by regulating the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. They are highly beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract and liver functions and activate redox processes in the human body.
Inulin is a natural prebiotic that stimulates growth of normal microbial flora in the intestinal tract and positively affects the digestive process. It supplies the body with energy.
Fibersol is an easily soluble source of dietary fiber. It regulates the level of glucose in the blood and the release of insulin reducing levels of bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
Malic acid is one of significant intermediates of metabolism in a human body. It normalizes the digestive tract functioning and has antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
Over 30 Usage
Mix one scoop in 4-6 ounces of water. Over 30 should be consumed between meals and/or at bedtime for a relaxing sleep.