As a dietary supplement MindSet from Coral Club improves blood circulation and boosts the supply of nutrients to the brain, which has a highly beneficial effect on memory and on the ability to concentrate. It increases an overall energy potential, improves performance, and resistance to stress.
MindSet Key Benefits
The product prevents the development of atherosclerosis and promotes healthy sleep patterns.
This dietary supplement boosts energy and improves brain functioning.
The product improves one’s cognitive abilities and helps prevent senior moments in middle and senior age groups and slows down the process of aging.
MindSet Ingredients
Acetyl-L-carnitine is a bioavailable form of the amino acid L-carnitine that improves the ability to concentrate and provides resistance to stress.
Lipoic acid protects nerve cells from various types of damage and serves as a reliable source of energy for brain cells
Tyrosine and Theanine are amino acids responsible for preventing mood swings and increasing resistance to stress. These ingredients play a significant role in supporting all types of memory and have a stabilizing effect on the nervous system.
Reishi mushroom calms down an overstimulated nervous system without causing drowsiness. There are two kinds of Reishi extracts used in this product: of the bracket and of the mycelium. This permits the use of a full range of its active ingredients.
B vitamins (B6, B9, and B12) have a positive impact on a wide range of emotional and cognitive abilities and are essential for normalizing sleep patterns.
Extracts of St. John's Worth, Ginger root, Ginkgo biloba, Gotu kola and Rosemary are well known herbal antioxidants that slow the process of aging. They are highly beneficial for strengthening blood vessels and improving cerebral circulation.
MindSet Usage
Take one capsule a day with a meal.
Mindset enhances blood supply and nutrition to the brain. Additional enhancements are attention, memory, mental abilities, increased physical energy, performance, and stress resistance.
Tyrosine and teanine are amino acids responsible for adrenalin synthesis and mood optimization; they enhance adrenal and pituitary gland functions. They are participants of gamma-aminobutyric acid formation, which is a strong stress-preventing component. They play a significant role in the formation of all memory types and produce a calming effect.
Vitamins of the B-group (B6, B9, and B12) optimize post-stress behavior, participate in "sleep-wake" cycle restoration, and facilitate the prevention the disorders of different brain structures.
Reishi mushroom has a many-faceted effect on the activity of the Central Nervous System (CSN). Its health-improving effect is set by the calming of the "overexcited" nervous system while not causing drowsiness. Its bioactive substances do not depress or excite, but optimize the work of the nervous cells. The result of this harmonizing action is an improvement of sleep parameters and activities when awake.
Ginger root, ginkgo biloba and rosemary extracts are natural antioxidants; they tone up both blood and nervous systems. They also proved their effectiveness at strengthening vessels, blood circulation to the brain, and lowering blood pressure.
Lipoic acid is an active antioxidant which protects the mitochondrion from the most aggressive radicals. This substance performs the function of coenzyme; it is an energetic feeder to brain cells; it prevents them from oxidation.
MindSet shows its health-improving effect in the following ways:
• prevents development of atherosclerosis
• increases energy and brain performance
• improves mental abilities, memory, and attention
• normalizes the "sleep-wake" cycle
acetyl-L-carnitine, st John's wort (hypericum perforatum) extract, gotu kola extract, tyrosine, theanine reishi mushroom extract, reishi mycelium extract, a-lipoic acid, ginger extract, ginkgo biloba extract, rosemary extract, vitamin 86, folic acid, vitamin B12, other ingredients.
Important - Please read before purchase
Statements above or on product packaging have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.