MagiCal is a product rich in minerals derived from natural marine sediment. It is effective for strengthening the musculoskeletal system and for reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
MagiCal Key Benefits
The product prevents the development of diseases associated with calcium deficiency and mineral unbalance.
It strengthens bone and muscle tissue.
The supplement helps to heal in the process of rehabilitation after injuries, surgeries, and diseases.
MagiCal Ingredients
Minerals from marine sediment have a greater bioavailability, i.e. they are more readily absorbed by the human body.
Calcium is the most important macro element for human health. It is indispensable for bone growth and strength, as well as for preventing fractures. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses therefore promoting mobility of muscles and joints.
Magnesium is another major component of bone tissue, necessary to maintain healthy bone density. It prevents excessive excretion of calcium and regulates metabolism.
Zinc and copper help maintain normal blood composition and participate in the synthesis of myelin that coats nerve fibers.
Silica is essential in the synthesis of collagen (a structural element of tendon and articular cartilage tissues).
Manganese is involved in the synthesis of chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine (two elements essential for normal functioning of the joints).
MagiCal Usage
Take two tablets after your evening meal or before bedtime. Increase to four tablets per day over a 5-7 day period in order to introduce MagiCal to the body gradually.
MagiCal can help:
• Prevent the development of diseases related to calcium deficiency and mineral misbalance;
• Strengthen the muscles and bones;
• Accelerate rehabilitation after traumas, surgeries, and diseases.
Calcium is indispensible for the human body. Calcium deficiency can lead to a whole host of diseases, including heart disease, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, and problems with joints.
MagiCal is a unique source of minerals from natural marine sediments in the Japanese sea as well as spirulina, which supplements the minerals with its nutrients. It is an ideally balanced combination of sea minerals each one of which plays an important part in keeping you healthy, improving your skeleton and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, as well as the risk of injuries, while also improving the function of your central nervous system. MagiCal has no substitute in a post surgery diet.
Calcium plays an important role in maintaining good health:
• This is the mineral that makes up 2/3 of the skeleton - thus calcium is recommended for adolescents and women, as they are most prone to calcium deficiency;
• Calcium from sea bed sediments is better and more easily digested;
• Calcium is needed for the formation and strengthening of bones and for the prevention of soft or brittle bones;
• Calcium participates in the transmission of nerve impulses, improving the mobility of muscles and joints;
• Calcium regulates the cardiovascular system, governs the flexing and relaxation of muscles including the myocardium;
• It normalizes digestion and enzyme processes;
• It reduces the acidity thereby decreasing the risk of various serious diseases.
Magnesium is also a major component of the bone tissue and is needed to maintain proper bone density. It ensures optimal absorption of calcium and prevents excessive discharge of calcium from the body. Magnesium relaxes the muscles and regulates metabolism, increasing the amount of synthesized proteins and the amount of energy produced by the body.
Zink and copper help heal wounds and prevent the development of skin diseases. They maintain the proper composition of the blood and participate in the synthesis of myelin, the material that insulates nerve fibers.
Spirulina is a valuable source of easily digestible proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Vitamins B2 and B12 found in spirulina ideally supplement the minerals found in the product and significantly improve the absorption of calcium in the gastrointestinal tract, ensuring its transport through the body and maintenance of a good vitamin-mineral balance.
Marine mineral deposit {Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Chromium), Spirulina, other ingredients
Important - Please read before purchase
Statements above or on product packaging have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.