Griffonia is a product of core for optimizing the central and peripheral nervous system functioning. It is effective against depression and sleep disorders.
Griffonia will help when used as:
• Antidepressant;
• Appetite suppressant
• Sleep aid for sleep disorders;
• Various neurosis;
• Chronic fatigue syndrome including fibromyalgia.
Griffonia Properties
The product has beneficial effects on the function of the brain. It normalizes sleep cycle. Reduces anxiety and depression. Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and neuroses of various origins. Helps cope with the symptoms of PMS.
Griffonia Key Benefits
The product has beneficial effects on the function of the brain.
It normalizes sleep cycle.
Reduces anxiety and depression.
Relieves symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and neuroses of various origins.
Helps cope with the symptoms of PMS.
Griffonia Ingredients
Synergy of all the ingredients provides a powerful support to the nervous system.
Griffonia and vitamin B6 increase synthesis of endorphins responsible for positive emotions and an improved mood.
Vitamin B12 contributes to the synthesis of melatonin and helps adapt to changes in sleep patterns. It helps prevent depression, mental confusion, and dementia.
Griffonia Usage
Take one capsule a day with a meal.
Griffonia is a product that in indispensable for optimising the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems. The tropical plant Griffonia and group В vitamins create a synergetic effect that improves the function of the brain, normalises sleep cycles, helps cure dystrophy, and reduces anxiety and depression.
Griffonia - is an exotic plant from Western and Central Africa. Its seeds are the most valuable part of the whole plant as they contain natural 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). This amino acid is a precursor to serotonin, one of the most important serotonin neuromediators. 5-HTP molecules easily penetrate brain cells and turn into serotonin. Research has shown that 5-HTP is effective, similar to synthetic antidepressant drugs. Griffonia administered in conjunction with vitamin B6 boosts endorphin production in the body, thereby improving the mood and normalising all the phases of sleep from falling asleep through REM sleep to deep sleep. 5-HTP has been used in Europe for many years to improve memory and combat depression. 5-HTP also suppresses appetite, reducing the craving for carbohydrate foods. In addition, this amino acid successfully relieves PMS symptoms, helping women feel less depressed, reducing anxiety and emotional instability; along with the irritability characteristics often occurring in the last week of the ovulation cycle.
Vitamin B6 - plays a key role in normalising the functions of the central and peripheral nervous systems, contributing to the synthesis of important neuromediators and vitamin B12. A number of studies have shown that vitamin B6 is a highly effective anti-depression treatment: it helps the brain absorb important amino acids (tryptophan, cysteine, and methionine) and the production ot antipsychotic hormones such as serotonin and norepinephrine. Demand for this vitamin increases when the person is on anti-depression drugs and oral contraceptives; as well as during stress and emotional strain.
Vitamin B12 - The level of vitamin B12 affects a broad range of emotional and cognitive abilities. Vitamin B12 prevents depression, dementia, helps overcome insomnia by normalising the sleep cycle. These effects are the result of the fact that cy-anocobalamin participates directly in the synthesis of melatonin. At the same time deficiency of this vitamin can result in the development of peripheral neuritis, optic nerve atrophy and degeneration of bone tissue and the spinal cord.
Ingredients Griffoniasimplicifotia seeds extract. Vitamin B6, Vitamin 812, other ingredients.
Important - Please read before purchase
Statements above or on product packaging have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.