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Availability:  In stock

The release form: 90 capsules

FlexiCor is a balanced formula aimed at regenerating the musculoskeletal system and strengthening bones and joints. It helps to prevent bone, cartilage, and connective tissue damage, reduces pain and stiffness, improves mobility and range of motion when walking, and helps to treat or prevent osteoarthritis.

It is helpful for healthy skin due to its content of vitamin C, and bamboo extract.

FlexiCor Key Benefits

• improves mobility by reducing inflammation, swelling, pain, and stiffness
• helps regenerate damaged joints
• prevents bone and cartilage damage
• has antioxidant properties
• it is essential for athletic and active lifestyles
• improves skin condition

FlexiCor Ingredients

Glucosamine serves as the building material for joint, bone, and cartilage tissues.

This substance protects the articular cartilage from inflammation and degradation.

Chondroitin sulfate is the main structural ingredient of cartilage. It prevents cartilage degradation and reduces the degree of calcium loss by the bones.

MCM is an organic sulfur compound responsible for flexibility and range of motion of the ligaments and tendons. This dietary supplement prevents the development of osteoporosis by improving calcium absorption. This supplement has beneficial effects on skin, hair, and nails.

Vitamin C is the key ingredient in the synthesis of collagen. It helps restore cartilage, and improves the absorption of glucosamine. It is clinically proven that the need for vitamin C is greatly increasing for cases of joint inflammation.

Manganese is an essential element for the synthesis of chondroitin and is an indispensable ingredient of glucosamine. It normalizes mineral metabolism and promotes absorption of calcium, thus speeding recovery of the cartilage. It improves the function of the nervous system, normalizes muscle tone, and restores sensitivity to limbs.

Bamboo serves as a source of silicon. This substance stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin. It restores flexibility and elasticity of collagen fibers and prevents the deterioration of bone and cartilage tissues.

FlexiCor Usage

Take one capsule two times a day with a meal.


A passive, sedentary lifestyle that most modern people lead today, together with low-quality nutri­tion, has a negative impact on our health. In the musculoskeletal system this is manifested by pain, inflammatory events, and above all by decreased joint mobility. According to the scientists, osteo­chondrosis is the most common spine disease, while arthrosis is the most prevalent disorder that affects the joints; the loss of calcium by the bone tissue leads to anomalies in bone structure, which result in increased bone brittleness and bone frac­tures. To maintain healthy bones and cartilage, it is necessary to provide them daily with food con­taining a full range of inorganic substances: cal­cium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese. FlexiCor can help with the existing problems of the musculoskeletal system or prevent potential fu­ture problems. This well-balanced combination of two complementary active substances is designed to restore the function of the locomotor system, strengthen bones and joints, and prevent the de­struction of bone, cartilage, and connective tissues; it also substantially reduces pain and joint stiffness restoring the mobility and ease of walking.

Glucosamine is a building material for the connec­tive tissue, bone, and cartilage. It is the primary component of intra-articular fluid, which serves as a "lubricant" for the joints and reduces friction and abrasion of cartilage. Glucosamine protects arti­cular cartilage from inflammation and destruction, and stimulates chondroitin production to strength­en bone and cartilage tissues. It minimizes hyper­sensitivity and pain in joints and spine, both at rest and when walking.

Chondroitin sulphate, the main structural compo­nent of cartilage, plays a crucial part in building bone, cartilage, ligaments, and in maintaining resi­lience and elasticity of the vascular walls. It reduces the leeching of calcium from the bones, accelerates calcium-replenishing processes, and inhibits de­generative processes in the cartilage by suppress­ing the activity of specific enzymes (for instance, interleukin-1 that destroys articular cartilage). Chondroitin is capable of retaining fluid inside the cartilage in the form of water cavities that provide a good cushioning effect and absorb impact shock increasing cartilage strength and integrity.

MSM takes an active part in building collagen and keratin that maintain elasticity and mobility of the joints; it reduces inflammation and helps restore flexibility and permeability of the cell walls, facili­tating the passage of nutrients into the tissues.

Vitamin С is a necessary component of collagen production. By acting in concert with MSM, it in­creases permeability of the capillary walls, im­proves the structure of bones and skin, stimulates assimilation of glucosamine, activates production of antibodies and macrophages, and fighting in­fection that causes articular inflammation.

Manganese is necessary for production of intrinsic chondroitin; it normalizes mineral metabolism and assists in calcium assimilation accelerating carti­lage self-repair.

Bamboo is a source of silica, one of the most impor­tant microelements that stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid and chondroitin, restores resi­lience and elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers preventing the destruction of bone and cartilage.

FlexiCor can help alleviate various disorders of the musculoskeletal system:

  • •Arthritis and arthrosis;

  • •Osteoporosis;

  • •Osteochondrosis;

  • •Injuries, muscle strains, and traumas.


Glucosamine Hydrochloride, Cbondroitine, Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM), Vitamin C, Manganese, Bamboo extract

Important - Please read before purchase

Statements above or on product packaging have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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