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Colo-Vada Mix: 16 packets

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The release form: Colo-Vada Mix 16 packets

  • You can use the 2 Colo Vada Plus Program as a part of the complex measures to purify your body (diet, fasting, etc.). This program contains recommendations regarding consistency and rules of taking the certain types of products designed to optimize the purification process and maintain the vitamin and mineral balance.

  • Coral Club - Colo-Vada Mix: 16 packets
  • Program 2 covers 14 days and includes 3 phases, which makes it possible to increase the efficacy of body waste elimination to its maximum, improve GIT function, preserve beneficial gut microflora, normalize vitamin-mineral balance during dieting, supply the body with useful substances, and minimize discomfort.

    Phase 1 PREPARATION — 7 days The first phase of the program uses 14 No. 1 packs. Each No. 1 pack contains: Ultimate, Mega Acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada, Combination Two, and Black Walnut Leaves.

    Phase 2 CLEANSING — 4 days The second phase of the program uses 8 No. 2 packs and 16 packs of Colo-Vada Mix powder. Each No. 2 pack contains: Ultimate, Mega Acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada, Combination Two, and Black Walnut Leaves.

    Phase 3 RESTORATION — 3 days The third phase of the program uses 6 No. 3 packs: Ultimate, Mega Acidophilus, Vitamin C, Alfalfa, Cascara Sagrada, and DigestAble.

    The products included in Program 2 Colo-Vada Plus have the following positive effects on the body:

    • - Detoxicative;

    • - Laxative;

    • - Antihelminthic and antimicrobial;

    • - Formalization of GIT microflora and digestive process;

    • - Re-invigorate

      the body and exert antioxidant activity.

    «Cascara Sagrada» is a laxative; it helps excrete wastes, forms soft stool that does not provoke irritation and ensures the regularity of bowel movements.

    «Black Walnut Leaves» have antihelminthic and antibacterial activity; they inhibit the activity of many helminth species, prevent fermentation and decomposition processes in the gut and act as a mild laxative.

    «Ultimate» is a well-balanced source of vitamins and minerals. It can compensate the deficiency of beneficial elements and optimize metabolism.

    «Alfalfa» is a source of plant protein, vitamins, minerals, and other bioactive substances. It exhibits general tonic activity, binds cholesterol and reduces the possibility of various forms of anemia.

    «Colo-Vada Mix» powder is the main component of the second phase. It is a source of food fiber, which cleanses the gastrointestinal tract by swelling in the gut when mixed with water or juice. The powder contains kaolin that has enveloping and adsorbing activity: it can bind a large portion of the stagnated gut contents allowing softened semi-digested food masses to be excreted from the body. Kaolin can absorb 40 times its own weight in toxic substances.

    «The set of herbs № 2» has detoxicative, anti-inflammatory, and antiparasitic effects. A complex of plant ingredients actively stimulates secretory and motor functions of the GIT, helps improve liver function, assists in overall body detoxication, and alleviates inflammatory processes.

    The last phase is designed to restore the normal function of the GIT and gut microflora. A complex of natural probiotic cultures (bifido- and lactobacteria) contained in Mega Acidophilus helps restore the indigenous beneficial gut flora, participates in vitamin synthesis, improves digestion and assimilation of nutrients, and controls gut peristalsis. «DigestAble» replenishes the deficiency of digestive enzymes (amylase, protease, lipase, bromelain, etc.), improves the breakdown and absorption of nutrients, and normalizes the function of the digestive system.

    Buy Colo-Vada Mix: 16 packets Coral Club England in one simple steps: click on "price" and checkout.

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